Factors that Predispose to Panic Disorder

The following is a summary of the predisposing and precipitating risk factors for panic disorder.

Risk factors for Panic Disorder

Genetic Risk factors

A family history of panic disorder elevates the risk by around four times in first-degree relatives. 

Physiological Risk factors

Amygdala and related structures, female gender, and asthma. 

Neurotransmitter abnormalities

Gamma-aminobutyric acid, serotonin, and norepinephrine impairments. 

Temperamental Risk Factors

Neuroticism, anxiety sensitivity, learning through modeling, and feeling out of control. 

Other Risk Factors

Smoking, physical, and sexual abuse in childhood, major life events

Risk factors for panic disorder
Genetics and Physiological
Temperamental Other

Amygdala and related structures

Female Gender


Family History


Anxiety sensitivity


Physical and sexual abuse in childhood

Major life events

Source: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5


  1. Harrison P, Cowen P, Burns T, Fazel M. Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry. 7th ed. Oxford University Press; 2017:896-896
  2. American Psychiatric A. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-5. American Psychiatric Association. 2013.
  3. Den Boer JA, Westenberg HG. Serotonin function in panic disorder: a double blind placebo controlled study with fluvoxamine and ritanserin. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 1990;102
  4. Deckersbach T, Moshier SJ, Tuschen-Caffier B, Otto MW. Memory dysfunction in panic disorder: an investigation of the role of chronic benzodiazepine use. Depress Anxiety. 2011;28