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We are working daily to add new interesting and important Best Choice Questions, which are a favorite on psychiatry exams worldwide. We answer with evidence-based explanations easy to comprehend and retain. At the end of 2020, we will provide at least 1500 best choice questions with answers and explanations.

About the Question Bank

What are we really working on?

  • C3-Applying Questions

    C3 questions only test if you can use your knowledge to solve practical problems. Our priority is to add only such questions. So, the questions are all highly practical and relevant to your real-life practice.

  • Exam Oriented

    To keep you focused on your exam prep, we concentrate on the topics tested in your real exams.

  • Evidence-Based Explanations

    We cite evidence from recent researches and elaborate on the concepts so you can comprehend and retain them for long.

  • Multiple Questions in One Question

    To answer one question, you may need to identify the psychopathologies, correlate them with the course to reach a diagnosis, interpret a scale, and then choose a treatment option that suits the patient, etc.


Consultant Psychiatrist (SR)

Waleed Ahmad

Faculty, Department of Psychiatry, Peshawar Medical College, MBBS, FCPS. I study and treat patients with OCD, only.

Consultant Psychiatrist (SR)

Saqib Siddique

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, PIMC, Peshawar. MBBS (KMC), DCP (IRE), FCPS (PAK), Certified Cognitive Therapist (KMU).
